Friday, October 16, 2015

How does our community see and respond to needs?

I gave a talk at Encounter (our weekly fellowship gathering) this semester! My topic? Cross-cultural relationships. This was the third installment of our four-part series "Connected: Designed for Right Relationships" in which we explored our relationship with God, with family, across cultures, and across gender. 

The text I'm speaking from is Acts 6:1-7, but I do a lot of introduction about InterVarsity, Cal, and the first five chapters of Acts, so if you aren't interested in the thrilling recap, start at 9:32 in the video*. It's actually not a video of me, but it has the audio paired with the slides I used, and it's 45 minutes in total. So if you have that kind of time, feel free to lend me your ear as I explain how cross-cultural relationships have deepened my need for and relationship with God.

*If you do start from the beginning, know that the recording starts midway through a description I'm giving about getting lost on the way to Encounter as a first year staff.