Sunday, May 11, 2014

Asian American Focus Group Wins Video Contest

Our Asian American Focus Group was recently invited by Oakland Asian Community Center to enter a video for their context highlighting Asian Pacific Islander narratives (#APIvoices). The opportunity to participate in spaces outside of a Christian context excited us, so we decided to go for it! 

We pulled this video together (with help from a former CCF staff, Nate Lee, who lent us his spoken word piece) in a week! We actually won the Juried Award for the contest, which means that the judges (Terry Park of Hyphen Magazine, YouTube artist Jason Chu, and Angela Pang of AsianWeek Foundation) chose our video as their favorite. To see their shout-outs, and the other video that was chosen, visit

The entire undertaking brought our focus group closer together as well as established tighter bonds with the broader API community at Cal and in the area. We are so grateful for God's hand in all of this, knowing that the way things came together so well was a blessing.

Check out this photo we took with YouTube star AM Kidd when we attended OACC's Rhythms and Sounds show:

(it's nice that we had specially labeled chairs, too!)

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